Half Square Triangles


This tutorial is adapted from the MSQCs Half Square Triangle YouTube Video. Of course, you can probably find more tutorials that detail this method, but this is mine. I hope it helps to cut back time with your quilt. This is the easiest way to create half square triangles that I have found, and I’ve gone through may tedious methods. I used this specific method to create all the pinwheels in Evelyns' Quilt.

This tutorial will be located under Evelyns' Quilt as well.

Figure 1


You’ll need two type of fabrics or two types of coordinating pre-cuts. I used two Charm Packs, but you can use Layer Cakes, too. Just make sure the two pieces are equal in size.

Charm Packs are 5 square inches and Layer Cakes 10 square inches.


Figure 1.2
1. Take two 5“ squares of fabric, you can either get these from Charm Packs or cut the squares yourself (See Figure 1.2).
Figure 1.3
Figure 1.4

2. Evenly put both 5” squares together, print (or good side) down. Make sure all four corners match.

3. Take to sewing machine and sew a ¼“ seam around all four corners of the connected squares.

4. With the two squares sewn together, take the new block over to your self-healing rotary cutting mat (See Figure 1.3).

5. Here, place your block down on the mat and line up your acrylic rule diagonally from one corner to the other. It does not matter which corner you choose to start at.

6. Double check that your ruler runs directly down the center of the square diagonally. Then, with your rotary cutter cut the square into two triangles.

7. Without lifting the new triangles off the self-healing rotary mat, align your rule on the diagonal at the opposite corner (The corner you have not cut).

8. Once again, double check that your ruler is straight. Then, with your rotary cutter down the square. This time you will make four triangles.

9. Now, take all the triangles to your iron, lift up one piece of fabric and press the triangles open. It will make a square. Repeat with the other triangles (See Figure 1.4).

10. You have now completed four half square triangles, the basis to most quilting.


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